Monday, March 10, 2014

Week 34--March 10, 2014

Friends and family,

It has been a very good week in Moreno Valley, We got a lot of stuff done and that was good. We were one statistic away from achieving the Standard of Excellence this week and that was investigators at church, but we were able to teach lots of lessons this week which was very good!

This week was an interesting week too, Our bikes almost got stolen, my lock stopped working last week so we were using my companion's Lock, so at some point, we aren't sure when someone tried to take bolt cutters to his lock to steal our bikes, but fortunately they weren't able to cut the lock. I did find out that there was no warranty on my lock so I had to buy a new one, and since then I haven't had any problems.

This week we did have a lot of lessons, which was great! President Smart asked all the wards to have a missionary dinner calender coordinator who calls less actives and try's to get them on our calender to feed us and this is the first week it really went into effect, so we were able to work with a lot of less active and Part member Families. It was great.

This up coming week we have Multi-Zone Conferences with President Smart, I am very excited for that! They are always good!

So We were at a member's house this week, the O'Connor family, and Sister O'Connor showed us a new Mormon Message that really touched me and Tugged on my Heart strings. It was about Bullying, it really hit me hard because of all the bullying that I saw in High School, and the fact that I found out from my dad that my high school made national news because of Cyber-bullying. I think that it is an amazing message and it can be applied to any, and everyone.

here is the video. 

On another note I have been reading a lot of talks recently and this quote stuck out to me from one of them.

"There are many others who, for different reasons, find themselves waiting on the road to Damascus. . . They remain waiting for the Christ to be given to them like a magnificent Carl Bloch painting—to remove once and for all their doubts and fears.

The truth is, those who diligently seek to learn of Christ eventually will come to know Him. They will personally receive a divine portrait of the Master, although it most often comes in the form of a puzzle—one piece at a time. Each individual piece may not be easily recognizable by itself; it may not be clear how it relates to the whole. Each piece helps us to see the big picture a little more clearly. Eventually, after enough pieces have been put together, we recognize the grand beauty of it all. Then, looking back on our experience, we see that the Savior had indeed come to be with us—not all at once but quietly, gently, almost unnoticed." -Dieter F. Uchtdorf Waiting on the Road to Damascus

I really do like that quote because a lot of people, weather they are members of the church or not, are waiting for some huge event like Joseph Smith's first vision, or Saul seeing the savior on the Road to Damascus, to convert them to the Gospel. Conversion is a life-time process, I am constantly learning more about the gospel. Too many people want some huge conversion, when in reality every conversion is through the spirit, whether big or small it doesn't matter. Most conversions are small, and gradual, the spirit whispers softly and speaks through our feelings, you just have to listen and pay attention for the soft feelings of the spirit. I may not know everything but one thing that I do know is that Jesus Christ Lives, he loves each and EVERY one of us. I know that through his sacrifice we can be with those that we love, our families, forever with him in the Presence of God. I am so grateful for the knowledge of the gospel, My second companion Elder Reed told me to share the thing that I love the most about the gospel with people, and bear testimony of that, and that is what will help the conversion of others. What I love the most about the gospel is I can be with My family Forever, I know it is true, I want everyone to feel that joy.

I am spending 2 years away from my family, so others can spend eternity with theirs.

I love all of you

Elder Bangerter

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