Family and Friends,

Oh man it has been a crazy week, Lots of ups and downs as usual, but that's okay it was a great week.
We had some great lessons this week, and we picked up quite a few new investigators, which was exciting. Our lesson this week with Kenny was very good, and not to good at the same time. I was on exchanges with Elder Johnson and we went in and were very bold with him and made him promises by the spirit, and he was pretty committed after the lesson, then we were out later that day and Kenny called us, and asked us to 1) Call ahead of time before we come over. 2) Stop trying to force him into something he isn't ready to do, and 3) Don't promise him things "as representatives of Jesus Christ," because he will only believe that kind of stuff if Jesus Christ was standing right in front of him and telling him it... It was very frustrating, but then we talked to his Brother at church on Sunday, and he explained a lot about the situation to us, and things make a lot more sense. He want's us to keep trying with him and keep working hard. I have faith that If Kenny is really sincere about wanting to know if our message is true he will find his answer, but he has to want to know.
Other than that we picked up a few new investigators, and things are going well.
Transfers are the weekend of General Conference, It is almost certain that I will get a new companion, probably not a new area, but we'll see how it goes.
I enjoyed getting a Letter from Cody this week,
I love you guys
Elder Bangerter