Saturday, July 20, 2013

Andrew's email--July 19, 2013

Okay, Steve thought I should post the whole email for people to read so here it is.  I cleaned it up a little to make it easier to read.

Hey Guys!!!

As it turns out Friday's are P-Day for my zone here at the MTC. It has been amazing here.  The spirit is so strong. Trying to learn is like trying to drink water from a Fire hose!!!

It has been a tiring and VERY long two days so far. I got here on Wednesday and ended up seeing Lein on my walk to the front desk and I got to talk to him for a few minutes, He wasn't my host, he actually ended up being Kyle’s host.

So we Got to the MTC and we were "grabbed" by a host, and then our host walked us through the campus, helped with luggage, took us to the bookstore to get our study materials, took us to our residence, and then took us to our Classroom. There in our classroom we came one by one and eventually met our companions. I have an awesome companion, Elder Felix, he's from Brigham City, Utah, He's just great!!!

After we met our companions, we went and all the new missionaries had a big meeting with the MTC Mission Presidency. It was absolutely incredible! When we all stood up and sang Called to Serve, the spirit hit me so hard that I could barely sing! Then that evening we met our Zone Leaders, and went to bed.

Yesterday was probably one of the longest and most tiring days I have ever experienced, even though we were sitting most of the day. We had our first real lessons yesterday. The day started off with a workshop right after breakfast about People and Our Purpose, It was a real eye opener, and it taught us to really feel unconditional love towards everybody. Everybody is a child of our Heavenly Father and EVERYBODY is loved by him.

The rest of the morning was spent with study time, personal, companion, and District study time, I learned so much during study time, especially about the importance of enduring to the end.

After Lunch, we came back and we learned about our progressive investigators, and we really are trying to develop Christ like love for her even though we have only seen a video about her. We made lesson plans and then we went to a workshop about our MTC resources.

Following that, we had dinner, and then went to meet our branch presidency. We were all interviewed by the members of the branch presidency. Then the Branch presidency made some callings... Elder Robbins, who is one of my roommates, was called as our district leader, Sisters Allen and Neilson from our district were called as the new Sister Training Leaders for the Zone, and then finally Elder Felix and I were called as the new Zone Leaders.

It's hard for me to believe that I had been here for a little over 24 hours and was called as a Zone Leader! Obviously, the Lord has a lot of faith in Elder Felix and I, and so do the Branch presidency.

Today we would normally have the opportunity to go to the Provo temple but the temple is closed until the middle of August. So instead, we have 5 hours of free time. 

Love you guys and miss you so much,

Elder Bangerter

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