Alfredo got baptized!!!!
was such a great experience seeing him get baptized! He is so awesome
and so solid! It has been a roller coaster the past few days with him.
On Friday he tells us that he want's to push his baptism back a day so
his family could be there, so we had to deal with that, but we were able
to help his family get there so we wouldn't have to push it back. Then
on Saturday, Alfredo went to the wrong building for the baptism, so he
was late, then there was nobody there when we started the service.
Luckily after we started, people came in and by the time it was said and
done there were a really good number of people there. The baptism ended
up going really well, and Alfredo bore his testimony at the end. It was
awesome! Then on Sunday Alfredo was late to sacrament meeting. So that
was another stressful roller coaster ride. Everything worked out in the
end and now he is a member of the Church.
ended up having dinner with Alfredo yesterday too, His mom made Pozole,
and it was super good! His whole family was there, and we ended up
watching "Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration" with them. It
was super cool because we got to have some really good conversations
with his nonmember family.
Bishop Marcroft challenged the ward to read Alma before Ward
Conference, which happened to be this week, as he was going to be
speaking about it. It was a really good experience because when he
talked about it, he talked mostly on probably my most favorite chapters
in all of the scriptures, namely Chapters 36-42. This is Alma's record
of him counseling his sons. These Chapters have always meant a lot to me
because of the fact that Alma is taking time to teach his Sons one on
one, and he is giving them advice. As I read these chapters they become
more meaningful to me because I put myself in their shoes, and I imagine
my Dad giving that advice to me. Often times I have felt like my Dad
has given much similar advice to me.
Well I love all Y'all!
Elder Bangerter
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