Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Week 72--December 1, 2014

Happy late Thanksgiving to everyone! I definitely had a great week this past week.

Well Thanksgiving was a lot of fun! We started off the day by playing football with the members of the ward, It was a lot of fun. There were so many people there that we had two full games of 11 on 11. We were there for most the morning, and then at 2:00 we had our dinner, Only one this year ;) We had dinner with the Richins Family. It was a lot of fun, we got to play games with the kids, and Sister Richins made very good food. I enjoyed it quite a bit! Then in the evening we had a zone activity at the church, and we played indoor soccer. It was pretty cool.

Then there's Friday, Hopefully everybody avoided the long lines at stores, Friday I was on exchanges with Elder Reyes. It was really good, but unfortunately a big chunk of the exchange was spent at a meeting discussing the Church's new Christmas Initiative, and how we should be applying it in our missionary efforts, and helping the Ward missionary efforts. It is titled "He is the Gift" and it is much like the Because of Him initiative at Easter. The church Has Put out a similar video about the First gift of Christmas, and we are all encouraged to share the video. This can be done in many ways, Through Social Media, and the other very big way is through special pass along cards. Every copy of the December Ensign has 9 of these cards. It refers them to the church's Christmas website. I encourage all of you to share this video and to Discover the Gift, Embrace the Gift, and Share the Gift.

Also, I wanted to follow up and remind everyone of my Book of Mormon Challenge, Keep reading,

I love y'all

Elder Bangerter
PS- the website is christmas.mormon.org


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